West is Best Scholarship Fund
Serving students in the Shawnee Mission West attendance area

About Us
Why West is Best?
The founders of West is Best Scholarship Fund, Dave and Kelly Tines, have worked within the West community for several years, serving as coaches for football, baseball, and basketball and working with students involved with Cub Scouting and Boy Scouting. Over the years Dave and Kelly noticed a growing challenge for many parents to meet the day to day financial needs of their families, even as parents worked full-time jobs and sometimes more than one. In addition, families faced the increasing costs of participation in after-school activities for league/unit fees, uniform fees, and any additional equipment.
Unfortunately these demands can result in some children being unable to participate.
Research shows that students who participate in after-school activities have improved academic performance and attendance, lower dropout rates, better attitudes and are less likely to use drugs. As people who have seen these positive benefits first hand, Dave and Kelly did not want even one child excluded from after-school activities due to financial resources. In 2012 they started the West is Best Scholarship Fund with the hope that all interested students in the Shawnee Mission West area would be able to participate in after school-activities, regardless of financial status.
West is Best Scholarship Fund provides scholarships for up to 75% of the cost of eligible students’ athletic league fees, scout uniform fees, equipment purchases and more. Assistance is based on availability of funds and financial need. In addition to support from local businesses and individuals, West is Best Scholarship Fund hosts annual fundraisers to provide assistance to as many area children as possible.
West is Best is proud to have provided over 950 scholarships totaling over $90,000 since 2012.
American College Testing (ACT) has said that the one predictable indicator of post-high school success is a student’s involvement in activities. The West is Best Scholarship Fund Board of Directors, made up of West-area supporters, is proud to help contribute to our students’ success and make a positive difference in the lives of West area children.
West is Best Scholarship Fund Board of Directors:
Kelly Tines, Executive Director
Dave Tines
Janiece Gleese
Angie Gunion
Jim Hawkins
Barbara Janssen
Carter Johnson, SM West, Class of 2020
Sheila Rehder
Angie Samuelson
Jennifer Silverstein